Posted by: Pure Glory | 10/17/2016

Your Divine Turnaround

by Apostle Gabriel Cross

After Saul was prophesied to, HE WAS TURNED INTO ANOTHER MAN!

“And the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you SHALL PROPHESY WITH THEM, and SHALL BE TURNED INTO ANOTHER MAN.” (1Samuel‬ ‭10:6‬ )

The prophetic Word of the Lord, has the divine creative supernatural ability to TURN (change, transform, transmute, transpose) you, into another person, and cause you to prophesy also. The prophetic is more than just words, but the supernatural release of the heart and ability of God. The prophetic is more than just confirmation, but it actually triggers the move of God in your life.

Once the law of God is released in the earth, nothing and no one can halt it. Today, on the calendar of God, marks a new day of Divine Turnaround in your life. Your obstacles are being turned into advantages.

God is shifting those whom have endured the process God required of them. He is shifting them into the receiving and finishing part of the process. Things are being reversed, from dry to an overflowing wellspring, from loss to profit, from sterile to fertility, from investment to return, from sowing to harvesting, from cursing to blessing, and from lack to the more abundant life Yahweh promised. Divine Turnaround for you.

© Crown of Glory International Ministries. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Crown of Glory International Ministries,


  1. Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes!!! You will see your divine turnaround.

      Liked by 1 person

      • And then you will see divine turnaround above turnaround, Light above Light! 😎


      • Yes! Absolutely!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Absolutely great and magnificent 😊


  3. I believe the word of God, and I accept this prophecy into my spirit. May the Lord change me today!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Amen! Thank you Lord!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Amen! Very comforting words.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amen!!


  7. Please pray that God will give us a divine turnaround in our christian school project,Camp David Green academy in Kenya.


    • Abba in Heaven, holy is your name. Your will be done as it is in as it is in Heaven may it be in Camp David Green Academy in Kenya. May the leaders hear the prophetic word of the Lord and see divine turnaround. In Jesus glorious name, Amen


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