Posted by: Pure Glory | 06/25/2024

Offering Praise And Thankfulness

by Hazel Straub

Release your sound of praise and thanksgiving, to the Lord. God inhabits the praises of his people.

Giving thanks, to God, involves sacrifice. We sacrifice the things that inhabit self-centeredness: Fear, anger, negativity, complaining, doubt, fear and being right, releasing them from our lives. Instead, we focus on God, with  our praise and thanksgiving for his love, mercy, faithfulness, kindness, grace,  and redemption. Changed, as we honor God, with thankfulness and praise.

He who brings an offering of praise and thanksgiving honors and glorifies Me; and he who orders his way aright [who prepares the way that I may show him], to him I will demonstrate the salvation of God.  (Psalm 50:23 AMPC)

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  1. I too am a sun-worshipper… summer’s lease hath all too short a date


    • We worship Jesus the Son of God, who gave us victory over sin. He shines his light in our lives.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The only difference between us then is that you worship ideal/spiritual/psychic light while I worship real/material/physical light. We would know nothing, we would not even exist, without real light. Jesus did not perform miracles in the dark. Light is a wonderful thing.

        Liked by 1 person

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