Posted by: Pure Glory | 01/27/2019

Lord, Let Me Love Like You!

by Hazel Straub

God calls us to love others from the heart. Challenges come and expose our hard self-righteous heart, with its lack of love, when we disagree and disapprove of others, who fail to meet our standards.

God desires his tender and pure love to dwell in our hearts, reflecting his forgiveness and merciful agape love, for us. Although, factually right about an issue, our attitude is argumentative, hateful, condemning and nasty, when we fight to prove our point of view.

The love of God, however, covers sins and transgressions like a quilt. His Son died for his enemies, to save them. Since the Spirit of Jesus resides in us, this love extends out of us, to our governing authorities, fellow Christian brothers, co-workers, neighbors and relatives. We need mercy and forgiveness, so extend it to others.

Lord, purify my heart and fill it with your love, so I can love like you!

“Hate stirs up disputes,
but love covers all kinds of transgressions.” (Proverbs 10:12 CJB)

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  1. Oh god

    Liked by 2 people

  2. God’s love overcomes all obstacles including our sinful nature. Thank you, Hazel, for this wonderful message on this Sunday morning.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Amen, also let me have eyes like Jesus to see others the way he sees us, with compassion and love, I will also share this

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Amen. Even the sins of those who disappoint us were nailed to the cross. If we remember this, we can love like Him!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Those who are forgiven much, love much. No one can sin against us, as much as we have sinned against God. Let me love and forgive others as he does the same for us! Agree we can love others , when we see their sins nailed to the cross!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Great truth wonderfully said! We here often pray that God help us to love as He does. I personally need this constant reminder because as you have stated, the hardness of my own heart often won’t allow God’s love in, making it impossible for me to truly love others. As John wrote: We love because he first loved us.
    Thanks for sharing this,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Chuck, thank you for your insightful comment. The problem with not loving others, so often rests with our hard heart. You are welcome! Hazel

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Yes, Lord, give me Your eyes to see others as You do, give me Your ears to hear as You hear, and give me a pure heart so that I can begin to love everyone as You do. Help me Father in Heaven to see and to understand what that looks like when I do it correctly and also when I fail so that I can learn from the things I did that didn’t have the desired outcome. Dear Father, so often I have the right desire of the outcome I of sharing Jesus Christ and all His glory but so often I fail because I continue on with MY thoughts and views somehow thinking it will change their mind and usually causes more friction. Less is more. Father help me, give me Your words at the right time. Help me to simply share Your words and leave all my other thoughts and opinions out. Knowing Your words will penetrate the hearts and minds of those who have ears to hear. (The added commentary from me is certainly NOT needed!)
    In the mighty name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and our only hope, I ask all these things. AMEN!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is so on point for me today and I’m very thankful to have read it!

    Liked by 2 people

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