Posted by: Pure Glory | 05/13/2022

Ask The Father For Help

by Apostle Gabriel Cross

If you ask God to orchestrate your situation, he will create a beautiful composition just for you. Only take the time to ask him. Shift the responsibility and the order of the day, from yourself and back to the Father.

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  1. But doesn’t God help those who help themselves? Don’t you need to earnestly try before you ask for His help? Will He also help a person that does nothing but ask for help?

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    • The phrase that God helps those who helps themselves is not found in the Bible and is the complete opposite of what God has revealed to us in Scripture. Psalms 121:1-2 says: “I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” We need the Lord our Shepherd, who leads us into good pastures. We are not called to independence but must be dependent on Him and ask for his help. Jesus said, my sheep know my voice and come at my call. This means we ask for help and then come at his call and do what he requires. We can not save ourselves but when we call to Him, he answers and saves us. Then we must follow His instructions. He is our Good Shepherd and directs us when we yield to Him. When we need help, He answers and saves us. We cannot save ourselves and when we cry out He answers and saves us. However, He calls us to walk in His footsteps and follow His voice. If we want a job, we listen to His voice and begin applying for jobs. God grants us favor and we get the job. We must take some action to follow His voice. Bottom line, we need God’s help every day. Ask Him for help today and he will show you the way and help you.

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  2. A good way to start the day.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Reblogged this on thehouseofprayers.


  4. Amen!!


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