Posted by: Pure Glory | 09/09/2021

Pursue God Because He Delights In You!

by Apostle Gabriel Cross

Prophesy over your life today: “No more negative or hurtful things, from my past, will hinder me from my future. I am passed my past and embracing my promising future.”

Jehovah created everything before you were born, so that when you arrived here, you would already have everything you need. However, He wants you to want what he has for you.

Quit living life, like this is all life has to offer You. Pursue God and what he has for you. You can do it, you can have it, just because He loves you and delights in you…Selah

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  1. Amen!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen


    • Time to pursue God with your whole heart!


  3. Thank you, my friend. Have a day of God’s delights!😃❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Amen!


  5. AMEN!! AMEN!! AMEN!! I LOVE this Apostle!! Thank you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Amen!


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