Posted by: Pure Glory | 03/06/2021

How Do You View Yourself?

by Apostle Gabriel Cross

Please stop and read this…

You O.W.E. YOU!

Too often people pay too much time investing in way too many projects, people, and things, leaving them stressed, running to exhaustion, overwhelmed, unhealed, and unfulfilled. Sometimes the O. W. E. Syndrome results in trying to be everyone’s savior, trying to fix someone or everyone’s problems. At other times it manifests in never being able to say no, rank, resulting in never having enough time for “you” to do “you” or “you stuff”. Always taking on more than you’re supposed to handle, walking in misplaced mercy and not exercising wise judgment.

However, this is not the more abundant life Christ gave you. Rest. Rest from allowing everything and everyone to overcome, overload, overpower and bury you. Rest in the peace that is absolute calming and the restful grace waters of God’s presence.

Here’s the truth about “you”. You are too intelligent to unfulfill you at the excuse of someone else.

Divorce and come out of covenant with seduction of self-inadequacy, self sabotage, self-curses and inner vows that keep you from fulfilling “you”. Stop trying to understand something that God isn’t requiring of you. Abandon seeking after something that isn’t seeking after you. You do not have time to play games of “I hope they will,” “maybe they will this time or maybe they mean it this time.”

Stand on the divine unbreakable concrete of You. Because you can’t live off of the airy gestures of others, the false promises from false hope and; the residual history taking the same class over and over resulting in the same results. “Come out of the self-seduction of inadequacy, and; come into the sufficiency of Jehovah’s inflaming love for you.

The command is to love yourself not to get others to love you.
You are gifted with too much. So much has been done for you. You have been divinely blessed beyond your imagination. No one can do what you do exactly like you. You are only anointed to be “you” in Christ. You have a goldmine of potential in you. Stop putting “you”, on hold, for everyone else. You don’t want to spend your life helping everyone else and at the cost of forgetting or neglecting yourself. You OWE YOU.

I anoint your head and heart with the fresh oil of Balance from Christ our plumb line. Be You on purpose, all day. Practice being true to yourself. Take some time to do for yourself something great or spontaneous that you love to do for others. You OWE YOU. How you change you, starts with how you VIEW YOU. Your mouth tells your mind what to do. God gave you a voice to speak your destiny and prophesy life. Forgive those who hurt you and wronged you and no longer allow the past to silence the voice God gave you. You OWE YOU.

It’s time that you love yourself unconditionally, God does. “You”, are God’s greatest secret weapon.
You really don’t want to wait for someone else to do, what God has already gifted you to. Be ignited and surcharged to do what you already are, “you”…Selah

You OWE YOU to vow to live no longer at the over whelming expense of others but at the overwhelming expense of Agape’s love for “you”…pure worship!

© Crown of Glory International Ministries. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Crown of Glory International Ministries,


  1. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

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  2. Praise the Most High God!….I got to think about me yes Lord!❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes! Must love yourself so you can love others. 🥰


  3. How easy it is to lose ourselves when we take our eyes off of what the Lord has already bought and paid for in our stead on the cross! Life is overwhelming at times, and Praise God for sending us the peace that passes all understanding. Be Blessed.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yes! God is so good to us. Blessings of love and shalom! ❤️❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Apostle Gabriel,
    You’ve penned some very excellent advice that applies in some extent to everyone. I feel you’ve posted this because of your love for us. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hmmmm WOW! GOD knew I needed this. This spoke to me SO much! I’m going to print it and stick it up on my bedroom wall so that I can reread and apply to my life! ❤ this really impacted me! Thank you Lord and thank you Jesus for using my sister GREATLY! More grace and anointing flow upon you sis! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍💌💛💛💛💛💛!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praise God! He knows what you need and provides wisdom, so you can apply it to your life. You are welcome!🦋💕❤️💕❤️


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