Posted by: Pure Glory | 02/19/2018

God Hears And Answers Faith Filled Prayers

by Hazel Straub

Many times we worry and fret over things and our circumstances. However, God has said that he cares for us and takes care of all our needs. He wants us to come to him and tell him our needs, with trusting thanksgiving and gratitude towards him. Then watch him supply whatever you need!

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life. (Philippians 4:6 TPT)

© Crown of Glory International Ministries. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission, from this blog’s author and/or owner, is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Crown of Glory International Ministries,


  1. thank you!
    the only place true rest is found in this world, is in Christ!


    • You’re welcome! Yes, true rest is in Christ!


  2. This post just reminds me of the the verse in James that says we don’t have because we do not ask!!! Can you imagine? Many times we really just complain instead of asking God who is the provider. Thanks for the reminder.


    • Yes, asking God for our needs rather than complaining is the way to go. You are most welcome!


  3. Amen!


  4. Love this! I listened to a wonderful sermon series on prayer – completely encouraged me in prayer and I learned a lot!


  5. Very encouraging post! Telling GOD and trusting Him for every detail of our life because He is SOVEREIGN!


  6. Yes in Jesus Mighty Name!!!


  7. Reblogged this on Success Inspirers' World and commented:
    Yes, praying with faith is the secret.


    • Absolutely! When we believe God and pray with faith it happens!


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