Posted by: Pure Glory | 09/06/2016

Daddy God Loves You!

by Hazel Straub

The love of Daddy God is incredible. It does not depend on our performance or goodness. He loves us and has made us in his image. When we leave him, in rebellion, he relentlessly pursues us with his love. His goodness brings us to repentance (changing the way we think) and humbly returning to him. Surrendering what we have held in our hands, giving all control to him.

There is nowhere that we can go from his love. Daddy God eagerly waits for us to return, so he can welcome and celebrate us with a party.  His love is patient, faithful, good and kind. It is not based on what we deserve but the wonderful love he has for us.

Daddy God sees us as his dearly beloved child, with whom he desires close relationship. He delights in us and cheers for us, as we go through trials. “Forgiven! You can do it! Don’t give up! Take my hand and get back up! I carry you, when you are too tired to go on your own. We are going to make it together! Rest in my love, child. Know the plans I have for you are good. I wipe your tears away and hold you close. No need for despair, I’ve got you.” Our value is not in what we do but our identity, as a child of God.

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  1. I just love this! Thank you – He is truly a great Daddy, there is non like Him.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. God is oh, sooooo GOOD!!!! God has definitely been speaking healing over my life with words that had been spoken over me years ago and that I took on as my identity. Well, that is not who I am in Christ and He has been telling me for the past month over and over through many sources, I think I am finally getting it !!! Actually, not getting it I know who I am in Christ and only who I am in Christ not the lies spoken over me years ago! Amen! Thank you, for the confirmation yet again!!!

    Liked by 2 people

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