Posted by: Pure Glory | 10/17/2014

Supernatural Wardrobe

armor-of-god1by Apostle Gabriel Cross

Take off the Demonic wear of the enemy such as, Self pity, Self hatred, Pride, Lusts of the flesh, Lies of the enemy, and Trying so hard to be accepted because of rejection etc.

Put on the Whole Armor wear of The Lord, such as, God’s blessing and Favor, the God kind of love for yourself, Lust for the gifts of the Spirit, Spirit of Truth, Accepted in the Beloved, etc. You are standing and girded in Truth. You have the breastplate of His Righteousness over your heart. You have the combat boots of peace over your walk. You have quenched all vain imaginations, doubt, fear, and unbelief, with the Shield of Faith. You have the Helmet of Deliverance over your mind. Therefore, you shall cut away all the fat of the enemy with the Sword of the Spirit, which is the present Truth, the Pure Prophetic Word of God! You are adorned in the Glory wear of heaven, wear it well today!

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  1. Amen! Love this. Putting on the armor of God in faith right now before going into work. 🙂


    • There is nothing like the armor of God! 😀


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